WMD – Weapon of Mass Destruction


Destruction caused by Hurricane Michael

            Nicole                               Sandy

                            Jose                              Katrina

         Harvey                         Florence               Michael              

Remember how we, the United States, invaded Iraq looking for WMDs – Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Now, we’re being hit with actual WMDs.


Destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina

Robert Laura Kyle Connolly, storm

Destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy

Both of these books have story lines concerning a horrible new weapon that causes these natural WMDs, Weapons Of Mass Destruction.



Both available at Walmart.com, Kobo Books, Amazon.com/books, and Nook Books











OneThreeThirteen – Master of The Day of Judgment


Summer’s here!  And if you’re looking for a summer read similar to Kiefer Sutherland’s new upcoming hit series, Designated Survivor, then OneThreeThirteen – Master of The Day of Judgment is the book for you.

A free preview is available at https://onethreethirteen.wordpress.com/

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elizabooks salutes the brave men and women of 9-11

World Trade Center

Excerpt from the ebook OneThreeThirteen

Chapter 21

RASHIDA LAY SILENT. WAITING. “How long had it been,” she thought, since her assailant had dragged her forcibly from the elevator, bound and gagged her and thrown her in this dark hell hole? “How long?” Continue reading


Weird weather patterns?
Sixty degree temperatures in Russia during the Winter Olympics.
Our never ending winter. The coldest in decades.
Rain, rain, and more rain in the northeast and New England, while California dries up like a raisin.

Wondering why? Then you should read

‘OneThreeThirteen’ – Master of the Day of Judgement.

And by the way, the answer to the question posed in my last posting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Some say that if the father, George H.W. Bush had not been elected been elected President, then the son, George W. Bush would not have been elected years later.

George H.W. Bush

Weapon of Mass Destruction

Weapon of mass destruction

Have you been following the blog-book ‘onethreethirteen’?
The only way to find out how it ends is to purchase the ebook from Amazon.com, Nook, and coming soon to KOBO.

But here’s an interesting factoid. Towards the end of the book it is revealed that Youssef bin Caneer spent most of his vast fortune developing a WMD (weapon of mass destruction).

It was used for the first time against what city?

Hint: In real life, the Republican Conventions that nominated a father, and later a son were held in that city. And was the reason why Youssef bin Caneer chose it.


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Since I’m updating this post, I thought I’d share this interesting little tidbit I learned over the weekend of 9/22/2014.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occurred on August 6, 1945.

Katrina struck New Orleans on August 5, 2005

Eliza Ankum
Author of
Flight 404
Ruby Sanders
STALKED! By Voices


onethreethirteen – Chapter 62

Michael Jackson’s Thriller Album Cover

Chapter 62


THE BLACK MERCEDES S550 pulled to a halt in Chateau des Bonshommes’ paved circular driveway.  The chateau’s butler was waiting with an umbrella large enough to cover the two as they exited the vehicle. 

“Begging your pardon sir, but Lady Sale has asked me to inform you of a surprise that she left in Madam’s bedroom.”

“What surprise, asked Lucinda.”

“I don’t madam, but she explicitly asked me to say, that the surprise is for both of you, if you were to ask.”

  “Thank you,” replied Nasser, pulling Lucinda closer to him and thus under the protection of the umbrella.

 “Nasser, do you what she left?”

“No, I don’t know.  I certainly didn’t ask her to do anything more.  Our evening together was so wonderful, I can’t see how she could possibly improve upon it, he answered.”

They climbed the chateau’s steel and marble staircase together with Nasser’s hand on the small of Lucinda’s back.

When they’d reached Lucinda’s bedroom, Nasser opened the door and let them in.  But before closing the door, he dismissed the guards. 

Lucinda’s eyes scoured the bedroom. 

“I don’t see any surprised, remarked Lucinda as she continued looking around the room.”

“Got it,” yelled Nasser as he held up the TV’s remote control which had been ornamented with a bright red ribbon.

“She got us a movie?” asked Lucinda.”

A big broad smile covered Nasser’s face as his head bobbed up and down.    

“Oh no, declared Lucinda.  No porn.  It’s bad enough you tricked me into marrying you, but no amount of porn is going to get me horny enough to sleep with you.”

“That depends on how good the porn is doesn’t it?”

Nasser clicked the button on the remote and Lucinda headed for the bathroom intent on a cold shower.   The next thing she heard was ……..

 “I love this! Declared Nasser, removing his jacket.

Lucinda hurried from the bathroom and was a bit puzzled by what she saw on the screen, two young black kids dressed in 1950’s attire in a movie theatre.  And Nasser seemed mesmerized by what he was watching.  Intrigued, Lucinda crept out of the bathroom and stretched out across the bed watching Nasser in utter amazement. 

“I have allowed myself one luxury in this world, he said, turning to Lucinda, and it’s music.  Fadim, my son, and I often danced happily to this.  I know every move.”

“Cause this is Thriller,” sang Michael.  And true to his word, Nasser kept in step with the video.

 Nasser fell on the bed beside Lucinda winded from his dancing. They were engulfed in laughter until BonnieRaitt’s song, ‘I Can’t Make You Love Me’ began playing.  Their eyes met and time stopped.   Nasser leaned down and kissed Lucinda softly on her full lips.  Lucinda responded in kind by returning his kiss and letting her hands explore the firmness of his shoulder.  

The rest of this chapter is rated ‘Mature’ and not allowed on WordPress.

Also, this ends the free preview of ‘One Three Thirteen’ which goes on Sale on Amazon.com, Kobo, and Nook on July 31st

But please enjoy the playlist which Lady Sale chose for Nasser and Lucinda’s night of passion. 

I Can’t Make You Love Me, by Bonnie Raitt


Adore, by Prince


If Only For One Night, by Luther Vandross




Eliza Ankum
Author of
Flight 404
Ruby Sanders
STALKED! By Voices


Click here to buy OneThreeThirteen